W-2 Tax Return Document Available

January 21, 2025

For those who receive their Columbia University tax statements electronically, here are instructions on how to access your W-2:

For Current Employees:

  1. Go to https://www.my.columbia.edu/
  2. Log In with your Columbia UNI and password.
  3. Confirm access through multi-factor authentication (DUO), if needed.
  4. Click on "Faculty and Staff" at the top of the page.
  5. Scroll down the page, and on the "Personal Data" option under the "Resources" section, click on Tax Forms (View you W-2 Tax Form via Paperless Employee)."

For Former Employees:

  1. Go to https://www.my.columbia.edu/
  2. Log in with your Columbia UNI and Password.
  3. Confirm access through multi-factor authentication (DUO), if needed.
  4. Click on "Former Employee" at the top of the page.
  5. Click on the "View W2" icon under the "Former Employees"header.
  6. Log In again with your Columbia UNI and password.
  7. Or you can go to www.PaperlessEmployee.com/columbiau and create an account to receive your W-2 statement(s).

For Columbia University employees living in New Jersey (NJ) for all or part of the calendar year 2024 or working in New Jersey and staying in New York (NY), the 2024 W-2 Form may present over two pages. The NY State Wages and deductions are presented on the second page. You should submit both pages when completing your 2024 Income Tax filing.
