Payment & Registration
What is the Payment & Registration Policy?
Most of the workshops offered by L&D include a fee, although some are free of charge. The cost is noted in the class in ELM, as well as the class descriptions posted here on our Course Offerings page.
When registering for a course in ELM, you will be prompted to provide your department's chartstring for payment. If you do not know this information, please wait to register for the workshop until you receive the details. Reach out to your manager, department administrator (DA) or finance contact within your school/department for help.
What is a Chartstring?
Click this link to learn more.
For L&D workshop registration, your chartstring should at minimum, consist of both your Department number and Project number:
- Department numbers are seven digits; example: 1234576
- Project numbers usually begin with UR/GG/PG/ or CP and are followed by six digits; example: UR009999
Access the Register for a Course – Employees job aid for detailed instructions.
If you did not provide your chartstring during registration in ELM, please email [email protected] with that information in order to secure your seat.
REMINDER: For workshops with fees associated to them, please note that if you do not provide your Chartstring for payment at the time of registration in ELM we will attempt to contact you to retrieve this information. However, if we do not hear back from you with the necessary Chartstring details, your registration will be cancelled.
Cancellation & Dropping a Class
What is the Cancellation Policy?
Course registrations should be canceled at least seven days prior to the scheduled workshop date to ensure the full cost is waived. If the cancellation is not received within seven days, the full cost of the course will be charged to the registrant's chartstring provided. The cancellation period allows wait-listed participants an opportunity to attend, and to anticipate the needs for the workshop.
Registration Confirmation & Zoom Links
I registered for a workshop, when do I receive my Zoom link or other class details?
IN-PERSON WORKSHOPS: The workshop location is listed in the class details in ELM, as well as the automatic email confirmation you received at registration. You may also receive an email from the L&D team with supplemental materials for the workshop, prior to the workshop.
VIRTUAL WORKSHOPS: You will receive the Zoom details for a virtual workshop with your registration in ELM. This will arrive to your inbox at the time of registration. It will also be included in the calendar invite that you receive automatically from ELM. You may also receive an email from the L&D team with supplemental materials for the workshop, prior to the workshop.