Consulting Services: Customized Programs

As a part of our Consulting Services, Learning & Development offers customized learning solutions for teams, schools, or departments. Individuals and teams can select from existing workshops or request a customized program. Programs may include a single event, iterative sessions, or a more longitudinal program over a set period. Hybrid, virtual, or in-person formats are available to fit your needs.

Common Focus Areas for Teams/Schools/Departments:

  • Team Retreats | Team Building
  • Strategic Planning | Goal setting
  • Vision | Core Values setting
  • Management Development Program
  • Specialized workshops

Common Focus Areas for Individuals:

  • Leadership/Management coaching
  • Behavioral style assessments
  • Leadership assessments
  • Personal Development Plans | Performance coaching
Request a Customized Program

Assessments & Tools

L&D utilizes personality and behavioral style assessments to help learners build self-awareness to facilitate personal and professional growth. When we understand a person’s strengths, interests, and tendencies – with communication style and decision-making just to name a few -- we can better nurture their talent, manage performance, and engage teams and individuals. 

Below are assessments L&D often uses in collaboration with a customized workshop or coaching engagement for the University community. Please complete the Request a Customized Program form on this page for more information.

Understand how you channel your energy, perceive and gather information, and make decisions through MBTI®. The assessment categorizes individuals into one of the sixteen distinct personality types based on four dichotomies. MBTI® can be a useful workplace tool for improving communication, teamwork, and leadership, as well as aid in conflict resolution. The results can also help people find their career passion and boost productivity, through self-awareness.

Duration of the Assessment:  15-20 minutes (online assessment)

Discover how your innate preferences may impact relationships and communication in the workplace. used to identify personal temperament styles, represented by 4 color-coded themes. The PACE® Palette can be used to improve teamwork through emotional intelligence by enhancing both social awareness and self-management.

Duration of the Assessment:  15-20 minutes (paper-based assessment; in-person)

Stop wondering what you’re good at. Discover your natural talents with the CliftonStrengths® assessment. Formerly known as StrengthsFinder 2.0, the goal of the assessment is to help people discover what they do best, develop their talents, and maximize their potential. It can also help people learn how to apply their strengths to their work and daily life. Based on the bestselling book and research led by the Gallup Organization.

Duration of the Assessment:  30 minutes (online assessment)

Our Methodologies

SAM (Successive, Approximation, Model) is an acronym that represents an agile approach to instructional design. As a workshop, program or development solution is identified, it is quickly designed and refined as part of an iterative process. The SAM instructional design methodology offers a condensed delivery timeframe using three overlapping stages:  

  • Preparation: Conduct an expedited development needs analysis.
  • Iterative Design: Design a workshop prototype and review with the client for further input and feedback, while proceeding to the Iterative Development phase.
  • Iterative Development: Rotate through development, implementation and evaluation to launch successive versions over a brief period, leading to an initial product solution. Based on the pilot session or content review, the Team will further refine the solution for the next iteration.
SAM Model

ADDIE is an acronym that represents five linear stages in the instructional design model, which include:

  1. Analyze: Conduct a formal assessment of individual, team and/or organizational development needs. The Team will review current and desired behavior, existing gaps, timeline, design resources and logistics for project completion.
  2. Design: Design formal learning objectives, select assessment instruments, select content and activities, create lesson plans, identify subject matter experts and select media or technology (if applicable).
  3. Develop: Learning & Development team designers create possible storyboards or learning modules and test and revise the initial solution.
  4. Implement: Develop procedures and guides for facilitators and participants. Confirm learning outcomes, methods of delivery and test all planned outcomes and tools.
  5. Evaluate: Seek qualitative and quantitative feedback and consider short-term and long-term measures of success.