Certificate Programs

L&D Certificate Programs are multi-week, interactive workshop series that introduce practical tools and enable immediate application to real workplace challenges and opportunities. Participants expand their toolkit and network to leverage throughout their career. Enrollment is open to Columbia staff/faculty, as well as members of  our affiliate institutions. For our affiliates, please email [email protected] to express interest in registering. 

Fall 2024

The 6 Critical Practices for Leading a Team

6 sessions | September 26 - October 31 | 10:00a.m. - 12:30p.m. | Virtual (Zoom)

Learn the essential skills and tools to get work done with and through other people.

  • Explore the critical mindset shifts that will maximize your success as a leader of others, increase engagement of team members by conducting regular 1-on-1s, deepen your understanding of team member issues, and help them solve problems for themselves.
  • Create clarity about team goals and results; delegate responsibility to team members while providing the right level of support.
  • Give feedback to develop team member confidence and competence; improve your own performance by seeking feedback from others.
  • Identify specific actions to help team members navigate and accelerate through change and achieve better performance.
  • Use weekly planning to focus on the most important priorities, and strengthen your ability to be an effective leader by applying the 5 Energy Drivers.
Interested in a Future Certificate Program?
An overview of each program is below. Please complete this form to indicate your interest . Learning & Development will contact you the next time a program is being offered. PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS FOR STAFF/FACULTY AT COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY ONLY.
Indicate the Program(s) Interested In:
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Management Development Program (MDP)

Program length: 8 consecutive weeks of full-day workshops

Learn day-to-day people management skills to increase personal and team effectiveness. MDP is aimed at building greater self-awareness and essential skills to better manage people and work processes. The program offers managers core tools, practices and strategies for building a peer network to enable their team’s success. 

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Cultivating Leadership Presence (CLP)

Program length: 8 consecutive weeks of half-day workshops

Learn how to customize your message, make a positive impression and present with greater impact using effective verbal and nonverbal communication techniques. CLP is aimed at improving self-awareness, building confidence in personal leadership and public speaking skills. 


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Emerging Leaders Program (ELP)

Program length: 6 consecutive weeks of full-day workshops

Learn practices to create a vision, execute strategy, help lead change and inspire others. ELP is aimed at developing the mindset, skillset, and toolset of individual contributors and managers growing into a leadership role.