Mental Health

Reaching Out for Support

Asking for help is a sign of strength. If you're struggling, here are some steps you can take:

In case of a crisis, immediate help is available:

Suicide Prevention: 1-800-273-8255

Addiction Help: 1-877-846-7369

Counseling: 1-844-636-1260 (TTY: 711)

Emergency Services: Contact emergency services if you or someone else is in immediate danger

Services & Resources

Find Care
Find Mental Health Professionals

Find trained and skilled mental health professionals, clinics, support groups, and public services providing care.

Employee Assistance Program
Employee Assistance Program

Learn about mental health symptoms, resources, and treatments on the EAP website.

Calm Health App
Calm Health

For UnitedHealthcare members, the Calm Health app provides free programs and tools to help support your mental health.

Emotional Well-Being Programs
Emotional Well-Being Programs

Check out the University's Office of Work/Life well-being resources and programs focused on emotional health and stress relief. 

Wellness Coaching
Wellness Coaching

Call a UnitedHealthcare (UHC) wellness coach free of charge for one-on-one advice and recommendations: 1-800-478-1057.

Self Care by AbleTo
Self Care by AbleTo

With Self Care, UHC members get personalized content that’s designed to help you boost your mood and shift your perspectives.

Sleep and How to Improve It
Sleep and How to Improve It

Sufficient sleep is a known factor in good health and well-being. Discover paths to good sleep. 

Notice: This website does not provide mental health diagnosis nor treatment. If you are in crisis, call 911 or the emergency hotlines above. For ongoing mental health care, contact a therapist or make an appointment with a clinical psychiatrist.