The CUHR DocuSign account allows Department Administrators to use centrally-managed hiring templates that contain documents typically required to process a hire.
Access is provided to all hiring departments to manage the process of collecting hiring documents from new hires, rehires, and reappointments.
Accessing DocuSign
Access to the CUHR DocuSign account is driven by specific PAC security roles. Users with Template-Based Hire (TBH) Initiator and/or TBH Approver access will automatically be granted access to DocuSign.
After being prompted to enter your Columbia email address ([email protected]), please authenticate through Single Sign-on. Other versions of your email, e.g.,, or will not work.
Any managers who have DocuSign inquiries should contact the HR Service Center, where you can log an incident, request a service, or call at 212-851-2888.
Hiring Templates
Within the CUHR DocuSign account, there are six hiring templates currently available:
- Student Officer of Research
- Student Officer of Instruction
- Casual Employee
- Officers of Admin, Libraries, and Support Staff
- Officers of Research
- Officers of Instruction
Those templates can be accessed after logging into DocuSign. Refer to the Using Hiring Templates job aid for instructions on how to switch accounts within DocuSign.
Editing a Template
Once you open a template to initiate an envelope, you can add, delete, or edit the documents within that envelope. Refer to the DocuSign job aids for additional instructions.
Keep in mind that the field settings have been carefully configured to meet your needs and editing them could undermine the logic used to streamline the document completion process.
If you delete documents from a template, it will affect existing rules and conditions within the template. Many of the documents contain logic that drives the data validation and auto-fill functionality. For example, the IT-2104 bundle contains a cover sheet and three different forms that the hire may be required to complete based on selections made on the cover sheet. If the cover sheet is deleted, the hire would be inappropriately required to complete all three IT-2104 documents.
Note: DocuSign has notifications that warn users about logic dependencies before deleting forms and documents.
Customizing Envelopes
Envelopes can be customized by completing the following:
- Copy the the hire's supervisor on the email
- Modify the language of the email that DocuSign generates
- Auto-populate candidate's name by using [[Employee_UserName]] in the subject line and [[RecipientName]] in the body of the email
- Add group email addresses as additional recipients in the workflow
- Security settings require that envelopes are sent from an individual user's email address
- Copy previously sent envelopes and use them as templates.
- Combine multiple existing templates into a single envelope
- Refer to the Customizing Envelopes Using Multiple Templates job aid for instructions.
- Refer to the Customizing Envelopes Using Multiple Templates job aid for instructions.
- Edit or correct any sent envelope while it is pending completion with the hire
- If errors are identified on completed forms, hiring managers should send a a new envelope to the hire
- Preserve fillable fields and their data while uploading PDF forms
- Refer to the Using Individual Templates Configured for Document Replacement job aid for more instructions.
- Share an envelope with colleagues
- Add the envelope to the workflow while specifying "Receives a copy" before sending an envelope
Adding Documents to an Envelope
Department Administrators can add their custom document to an existing template prior to sending an envelope. Refer to the Using Hiring Templates job aid for more instructions.
DocuSign functionality requires that data labels are assigned to each field that you want to be auto-filled. These efficiencies will only carry over if the data labels on the new document are identical to that of the existing documents.
You can download a list of the current data labels used in each template in the advanced settings.
The path to download: Advance Edit > Add Recipients > Bulk Send
Then click on "Sample CSV" located at the bottom right corner of the screen.
Expiration Dates
By default, envelopes expire after 120 days if not completed. Department Administrators who still wish to hire the chosen candidate will have to create and resend a new envelope.