Performance Management for Employees

Performance Management

Performance Management is an appraisal process to set clear expectations, provide specific and ongoing formal and informal feedback and foster effective communication between managers and employees. The online ePerformance tool is integrated with People@Columbia (PAC) and can be accessed using your UNI and password. ePerformance supports individual and team goal setting, feedback notes and annual performance reviews.

Contact your HR representative for more information about the process and tools used in your department.


The performance management process is more than the annual review. The process includes setting clear expectations and providing specific and ongoing formal and informal feedback. When all elements are completed thoughtfully with active engagement of both manager and employee, the results for all parties (including the University as a whole) are very positive.

This critical dialogue between managers and their staff sets the platform for ongoing coaching, and ultimately the final performance appraisal, at the end of the fiscal year.

Performance Appraisals allow you to:

  • Identify skills and competencies to strengthen within your current role
  • Establish goals for the following year
  • Address any concerns or request additional guidance and support from your supervisor
  • Manage the expectations of work projects
  • Confirm your level of decision-making authority
  • Request professional development training (in-person workshops and online)
Workflow to plan, track and review your performance


  • Review School/Department Goals
  • Define Performance Criteria (goals, competencies, etc.)


  • Ongoing Check-ins
  • Feedback
  • Coaching
  • Professional Development


  • Annual Performance Review

University’s policy requires all Officers and Non-Union Support Staff (NUSS) receive an annual performance review. 

Union members do not follow the performance management process or use the ePerformace tool. Consult your collective bargaining agreement for information on your union's performance review policy.