Transit/Parking Reimbursement Program
The Transit/Parking Reimbursement Program (T/PRP) is a convenient way to pay for commuting expenses with pre-tax dollars, deducted directly from your paycheck each month.
You can enroll in or make changes to the T/PRP at any time during the year.
Calculate your savings using the Transit/Parking Reimbursement Program.
Using Your T/PRP Benefits
We call this benefit the T/PRP because you can participate in either the Transit or Parking Reimbursement Program, or both.
Transit Reimbursement Program funds can be used for commuting expenses on any public transit commuter system. Parking Reimbursement Program funds can be used to pay for parking if you drive to work or to a location where you board mass transit for work.
Choose an amount between $10 and $325* per month to be deducted in equal installments from two paychecks each month. This is your "contribution" to the T/PRP. Your total monthly contribution is available for use the first of each month. That means, for example, if you choose to contribute $130 per month to an account effective July 1, you can access the full $130 as of July 1 though $65 will be deducted from two July paychecks.
Unused contributions will roll over from month to month. So, if you take a week-long vacation in August and don’t need a MetroCard that week, for example, your surplus August balance will roll over to September. Your total balance is available to you as long as your monthly spending does not exceed the IRS monthly maximum.
* IRS limits are subject change.
Note on Leaving the University
If you leave the University or become ineligible for benefits, you can only be reimbursed for expenses incurred prior to your termination date or the date you became ineligible for benefits up to the monthly maximum. You have 90 days from termination or ineligibility date to submit a claim form to EBPA for reimbursement. If you use funds that were not deducted from your paychecks, you will be responsible for repaying those funds to the University.
You can make changes to your T/PRP any time during the year.
Log in to CUBES; confirm access through multi-factor authentication (DUO)
Click the “My Benefits Summary” tab at the top of the screen, then “Update Transit/Parking Elections”
Changes made on or before the 20th day of a month will be effective the first day of the following month (March 20 change effective April 1). Changes made on or after the 21st day of a month will be effective the first day of the second following month (March 21 change effective May 1).
Click the “Edit” button for either the Transit Reimbursement Program or the Parking Reimbursement Program. Enter a monthly contribution amount and “Add to Cart.”
View your cart and be sure to “Checkout” to save your election.
When Will My T/PRP Election Take Effect?
- Enroll/Change
- On or before the 20th day of a month
- Effective Date
- The first day of the next month (enroll January 10; effective February 1)
- Enroll/Change
- The 21st of a month or any day after
- Effective Date
- The first day of the second following month (enroll January 29; effective March 1)
Combined Monthly Contributions
If you drive to work and park in a University-owned lot or a NYP Hospital-owned lot, you already pay for parking with pre-tax payroll contributions. If you decide to also participate in the Parking Reimbursement Program through EBPA, your combined pre-tax monthly contributions cannot exceed the $325* IRS monthly maximum.
*IRS limits are subject change.
If you have not been enrolled in the T/PRP in the past three years, you will receive a Benefits Card at your home mailing address from EBPA, the administrator of this benefit. If you have been enrolled in the T/PRP in the past three years, you will not be sent a new card unless you request one.
This Benefits Card is linked to Transit and Parking accounts (if you enroll in both) and can be used to pay for transit and/or parking expenses through any vendor that sells commuter tickets or MTA/New York City Transit MetroCards and accepts MasterCard.
The Benefits Card will be automatically loaded with your election each month.
Personal Identification Numbers (PINs)
A Personal Identification Number (PIN) is not required to use the Benefits Card, but some merchants, such as parking garages, may not allow credit card purchases and may require a PIN for debit card purchases..
If you require a PIN you can get one by logging in to your EBPA account:
Click "Debit Card(s)" under your name on the top right side of the screen
Click "VIEW PIN"
If You Do Not Use the Benefits Card
You may submit claims through your online account at
Once you are logged in to your account:
- Click on the menu in the top left
- Select “Claims”
- Select “Submit a Claim for Reimbursement” and follow the instructions for claim submission
You may also submit claims with a paper form which can be found under “Related Documents” (see sidebar).
To Set Up Direct Deposit of Reimbursements
- Login to your EBPA account and click on "Profile" under your name in the top right
- Click on "edit" above "Reimbursement Method"
- Select "Direct Deposit" and follow the steps to provide account information
To Create an Account
To create an EBPA online account, and a “Registration ID” (use your Benefits Card number or CBA10602, the ID specific to Columbia).
- Go to
- On the EBPA portal, click “My Parking and Transit (Commuter) Plan”
- Click “Accept” to be directed to the login page.
- In the upper right-hand corner of the EBPA landing page, click “Register”
- Fill out the form
- Your “Employee ID” is your Social Security Number
- Your "Registration ID" is either your Benefit Debit Card Number or use CBA10602
Contact EBPA
Call: 888-456-4576
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. E.T.
Send us an online inquiry
EPBA is offering a new and more convenient way to pay for your transit and parking expenses called EBPA Mobile Pay. It is a secure contactless payment option to pay for your transit and parking expenses.
How does it work?
To take advantage of EBPA Mobile Pay, simply:
- Open your digital wallet (Apple Pay, Google Pay, or Samsung Pay)
- Enter your benefits debit card details
- Accept the Terms & Conditions
- Complete the authentication process, as prompted
- Begin using your digital wallet to pay for eligible expenses
Note: EBPA Mobile Pay works with OMNY when you add your EBPA card to your digital wallet.
You can use the tap-to-pay technology and eliminate the need of having to carry your benefits debit card with you.
You can check your T/PRP balance by logging in to your EBPA account (see Manage Your T/PRP Account with EBPA, above, if you need to create one) or by contacting EBPA.
Contact EBPA
Call: 888-456-4576
Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. ET
Send us an online inquiry
Contact EBPA
Call: 888-456-4576
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. E.T.
Send us an online inquiry
- Amtrak
- Long Island Railroad (LIRR)
- New Jersey Transit (NJT)
- Staten Island Rapid Transit (SIRT)
- Metro North Commuter Railroad
- Commuter and suburban express bus services
- Certain ferry and registered van pool services
- New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s buses and subways
- You must use your EBPA card to load a MetroCard to ride MTA subways and buses.
- Transit expenses of your family members
- Airfare
- Amounts that exceed the monthly limit
- Taxi and limo services
- Bridge, tunnel and highway tolls, including E-Z Pass
- Commercial parking near your work location
- Parking at a train station where you board mass transit
- Parking at or near your residence
- Parking expenses of your family members
- Amounts exceeding the maximum allowable monthly limit
Note: If you pay to park at locations where you board mass transit, you can participate in both transit and parking accounts, up to the maximum of each account.
Combined Monthly Contributions
If you drive to work and park in a University-owned lot or a NYP Hospital-owned lot, you already pay for parking with pre-tax payroll contributions. If you decide to also participate in the Parking Reimbursement Program through EBPA, your combined pre-tax monthly contributions cannot exceed the $325 IRS monthly maximum*.
*IRS limits are subject change.