Salary Information and Grades

Salary information is based on the University's pay grades and reflects minimum salaries for the current fiscal year.

Salary ranges for open positions are posted on each job posting on Careers at Columbia.

For University Faculty & Staff:

FY2025 Salary Grades

Effective 1/1/2025

Effective 7/1/2024

Effective 7/1/2024

Effective 1/1/2025

Salary Increases

Employees covered by collective bargaining agreements receive wage increases in accordance with the provisions of their respective agreements.

Your salary and job performance are typically reviewed once a year by your supervisor or department head. Quality and quantity of work, changes in level of responsibility, interest, attendance, and cooperation are among the factors considered in a performance review.

Salary increases are based on your performance and on University and departmental budget allocations.

All salaries for Officers of Instruction are subject to review by the relevant dean, department chair, or vice president, as well as by the Office of the Provost on the Morningside Campus or the Office of the Vice President for Health Sciences at the Medical Center.