Vacation and Personal Day Balance Collection

July 01, 2024

As we do each July, the University collects vacation and personal day balances as of July 1 for all Officers of Administration, Officers of the Libraries, and Support Staff. This information is necessary as part of the fiscal year-end financial statements and reporting requirements.

We are asking for your help with this important data collection effort. We are reaching out to a broader HR community this year to ensure that we reach the right person in each of the schools/departments. If you are not the person in your school/department who normally completes or approves the balance sheets, please forward this email to the appropriate contact.

In addition to the vacation/personal day balances, we ask that all departments submit current organizational charts to CUHR.

What We Ask of You
Vacation/Personal Day Balances

  • If your department does not currently use TLAM, please complete the FY24 Balance Sheet for Unused Vacation and Personal Days form. Complete instructions and the balance form can be found here.
    • The Employee Vacation Accrual report containing the preliminary list of vacation-eligible staff being surveyed for your department (Officers of Administration, Officers of the Libraries, and Support Staff) is accessible via myColumbia -> Enterprise Reporting -> BI Launch Pad -> Folders -> Public Folders -> HR Folder -> Employee Vacation Accrual.
  • If your department currently uses TLAM, the CUHR team will pull the balances directly from PAC. Please ensure that the individuals in your school/department have submitted all their time off for FY24 and that managers have approved the time, so the balances are accurate.
  • While all non-TLAM departments are asked to complete the Balance Sheet form, not all departments will be required to submit their completed form to CUHR. The Compensation team will notify the departments that are required to submit the information to CUHR. Departments not required to submit the information to CUHR should retain the completed Balance Sheet form for their own internal record and for possible auditing follow-up.

The deadline for completing the FY24 Balance Sheet of Unused Vacation and Personal Days and for submitting it to [email protected], if requested, is Friday, July 19.

Organization Charts

  • We ask that all departments submit their organizational charts to CUHR by Friday, July 19. Please send them, preferably as PDF attachments, to [email protected].

Resources and Contacts
General instructions for the vacation accrual collection and organization chart processes, and the Balance Sheet form, can be found on the CUHR website within the HR Manager Toolkit.

If you have any questions or concerns about the vacation/personal day balance sheets, please email [email protected].

For questions about the organizational charts collection process, please reach out to [email protected].
