Workplace Accommodations
Faculty and Staff with permanent or temporary medical conditions may have a spectrum of needs that can be addressed by the CUHR Leave Management Office.
The Office provides the following services to support you:
- Arrange permanent or temporary accommodations in an employee's workplace
- Assist employees in understanding the medical leave policies, benefits and documentation they may need to submit
- Ease their transition from a medical leave back to work at the University
- Be a resource on disability-related issues in the workplace
Requesting Workplace Accommodation
Whether an employee is returning from a medical leave, has a chronic condition, or needs an accommodation for a temporary injury or the effects of a medical procedure, the CUHR Leave Management Office can coordinate with the employee's department, when appropriate, to get them what they need. If an employee needs a workplace accommodation, please have the employee submit a Request for Reasonable Accommodation form and a Disability Release form to CUHR Leave Management. The employee can also contact the office for a confidential consultation.
University policies conform to the provision of the Americans With Disabilities Act.