March is Sleep Awareness Month. Good sleep is key to supporting your overall well-being. Getting some quality shuteye can help support your immune system, improve memory function and boost your mood. Learn more about the importance of sleep and how you can prioritize it.
Did you know?
Good quality sleep may help lower your risk for health conditions such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease and depression.
1 in 3 adults doesn’t get enough sleep, and adults need 7 or more hours of sleep per night.1
Tips for getting good sleep:
Get more physical activity throughout the day
Exercising regularly can help your internal clock stay on track.
Take steps to relieve stress
Meditating or journaling are a few ways to calm your mind.
Give your brain and eyes a break from screens
Instead of ending the day with TV, spend some time reading a book before bed.
Discover more tips for how you and your loved ones can catch more Zs.