This Month from Your Employee Assistance Program: June 2024
TELUS Health is the Employee Assistance Program provider for Columbia University. TELUS Health offers free or discounted services to support your personal success and help with everyday challenges.
Feeling stressed or coping with anxiety? Through the EAP, Columbia employees and their household members can receive six free sessions per topic with a certified counselor. Visit the CareNow Center or call 1-844-636-1260 for more details.
Upcoming Exclusive Columbia University Webinar
The Five Buckets Principle
Tuesday, June 18: 1 p.m. - 2 p.m.
Register Here
Is it possible to meet the competing demands of finances, friends and family, work, health, and community? The resounding answer is yes! In this fun, interactive seminar, participants will learn the Five Buckets Principle of work/life balance to get the tools to prioritize what is and should be important to them. They will learn how to think about the BIG PICTURE without ignoring the little things that matter. We will show them how to find the time to manage it all, including time for themselves and for fun, by identifying priorities, making choices, and managing expectations.
Additional Upcoming Webinars
Community and Giving Back: Leaving Our Footprints
Friday, June 14: 2 – 2:30 p.m.
Register Here
Fewer things in life give us more joy than helping others. It is a feeling that provides us with purpose and meaning. But the journey to finding and participating in service can be daunting and intimidating. Sometimes it's easier to find reasons not to do anything than to do something at all. In this training you will learn the mental and physical benefits of service along with tips on how to overcome your fears to help you find purpose and get involved.
Friday, June 28: 2 – 2:30 p.m.
Register Here
A look at this complicated topic through a critical eye, the dangers of “being perfect” are discussed. This session will be a motivational discussion on the importance of changing this behavior today. Walk away with real suggestions and strategies on overcoming perfectionism.
Did You Know?
June is Pride month, an annual event commemorating the historic Stonewall riots of June 28, 1969. These riots, which were ignited by a raid on a gay club in Greenwich Village, served as a catalyst for a series of demonstrations and became a pivotal moment in the initiation of the Gay Rights Movement.
Stay in Touch with Your Employee Assistance Program
Username: Columbia
Password: eap
CareNow Center: 1-844-636-1260 (TTY: 711)
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