TELUS Health, formerly known as LifeWorks, is the Employee Assistance Program provider for Columbia University. TELUS Health offers free or discounted services to support your personal success and help with everyday challenges.
Upcoming Exclusive Columbia University Webinar
Is Happiness a Journey or a Destination?
Tuesday, August 29, 1 p.m. - 2 p.m.
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- An employee that is engaged and flourishing in the workplace is one that is engaged and flourishing in their personal life. Using reflections and observations on behavior, this seminar will present ten tips for building the foundation for happiness. Participants will gain an understanding of the concept of happiness and discover attitudes that are more favorable to promoting a sense of happiness. They will also explore how negative aspects in life can contribute to their happiness.
Additional Upcoming Webinars
Be Positive
Friday, August 11: 2 – 2:30 p.m.
Register Here
- Although not everyone believes in the power of positive thinking, it is a field that has been utilized by countries around the world for centuries. Today, scientists understand why the attitudinal approach–positive versus negative energy, dramatically impacts us, as well as our relationships with others. In this webinar, we will discuss our ability to benefit from the power of positive thinking by making changes to our thought process and perspective.
Friday, August 25: 2 – 2:30 p.m.
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- This webinar will teach the basic concepts of mindfulness and how to incorporate it into our everyday lives. They will engage in a short breathing exercise; exploring their world through their senses and learning how to expand their attention and focus through mindfulness practices. The goal is to incorporate these techniques into all aspects of their lives, at home, in school and when interacting with peers.
Did You Know?
SMART is a method of goal setting that focuses on short-term, practical tasks to set you up for success. Learn how to apply SMART goals in your life.
Stay in Touch with Your Employee Assistance Program
Username: Columbia
Password: eap
CareNow Center: 1-844-636-1260 (TTY: 711)
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