New Background Check Vendor and Centralization of Background Checks

February 06, 2024

The following email was sent to the HR Network on Tuesday, February 6, 2024.

Dear Colleagues:

I am pleased to tell you that we have selected a new background check provider for the University, Security Services of Connecticut (SSC). We selected SSC after a careful review of background check vendors, and we were assisted in our search by a Selection Committee of fifteen HR professionals from across the University. We have already begun the integration process with Talentlink, and we expect to launch with SSC in May.

I am also pleased to announce that, in conjunction with Senior Leadership, we have reached the decision to centralize the background check process for the Morningside campus. This will include the initiation by CUHR of all background checks, including checks required by the Protection of Minors Program. This change will take effect in May, simultaneous with our launch with SSC. We feel strongly that this centralization offers:

  • Ongoing compliance with University policy, and New York City and State regulations and legislation
  • An enhanced candidate experience
  • Efficiencies in processing background checks that will result in faster turn-around times

In the coming weeks, we will outline for you how the transition to SSC and the centralization of our background checks will affect your processes. We will continue to work closely with our Selection Committee as we design a workflow for you that is both simple and efficient.

If you have any questions in the interim, please feel free to reach out to me.


Ursula Bollini
Director, HR Compliance
