Student Casual Hourly Rate Increase Effective 8/1/2023

July 20, 2023

Dear HR Network,

Effective August 1, 2023, students whose titles are Student Instructional WorkerStudent Research WorkerStudent Academic Support Worker are entitled to an hourly minimum of $22.00. We are pleased to announce that all required increases have been automatically processed within PAC for current active students in these three titles. There is no need to submit any transactions or paperwork requesting an hourly rate increase for these students.

Students in the three titles who are currently making above the minimum remain at their current, higher rate.  

Students who are not in these three titles also remain at their current rate.

What You Need To Do
Please review your roster of student casuals as soon as possible. If any should be moved out of the three titles listed above, please submit a PAF through MSS Paper Transactions to update their titles and hourly rates as needed.

For changes to be processed for the affected pay period, please keep in mind that paperwork needs to be received by the mail closing date of Monday, August 7, as posted on the 2023-2024 Payroll Calendars

If you have any questions, please contact the HR Service Center online at or by phone at (212) 851-2888. 

Best Regards,

Sheila Amato
Executive Director, HRPC
HRIS Columbia University
