Critical Illness Insurance, also known as Specified Disease Insurance, can help you in the event of a serious illness, such as cancer, heart attack, end-stage kidney (renal) failure, major organ failure, stroke and coronary artery disease. A supplement to primary health insurance, this coverage can ease financial burden beyond health care costs, such as paying everyday living expenses while out of work.
The University's Critical Illness Insurance is provided by MetLife.
How it works
- Pay for coverage with payroll deductions.
- University employees, spouses and eligible children can be covered.
- Plan pays a lump sum—in cash—following diagnosis of a covered condition
- Use benefit payment as you wish, for medical and non-medical expenses, such as:
- Child care
- Prescription drugs
- Transportation when seeing a specialist
- You get your maximum benefit amount no matter what your health insurance covers.
If you have questions, please contact MetLife at 800-GET-MET8.
More Information